Registrations will be taken on a first come, first served basis. If space is NOT available in the class you have chosen or we do not have enough registered for a particular class, the administrator will contact you by phone at the number listed on this form. You will receive a complete registration packet in the mail by the end of June 2024.

A $70 non-refundable registration fee is due to complete this registration form. Additional payment details are included at the bottom of the page.

The $70 non-refundable registration fee is due to complete this registration form.

If you feel your child may be eligible for a financial scholarship, please request an application from the administrator. A limited number of Scholarship awards are available as determined by the Preschool Board of Directors.

Payment forms accepted are cash, check, Venmo; @FaithLutheranPreschool, or credit by phone. Please mail checks to the address below